Roehampton, London

The Roehampton Voice is a quarterly publication by and for the residents of Roehampton and is an Our Roehampton project.

We aim to reflect the voice of residents and deliver information which helps our community flourish and grow.

Guidance for contributions to Roehampton Voice:

The editorial team are looking forward to receiving contributions from community groups, local projects, organisations and individuals. We would love to hear from you about what your group or project is planning, a successful initiative or a notable achievement of someone locally. 

Over 7,500 copies of each edition will be distributed door-to-door and made available through the library, schools, surgeries and other community settings in the Roehampton Ward. The editorial team are looking for the following different sorts of contributions:

1. Articles or letters about a new project or topic, or health or social issue in Roehampton that benefit our community.

2. Stories about past activities or completed projects which have engaged and benefited our community.

Please send your proposed article (max. 300 words) and any photos to – for print these should be 300dpi in size if you manage this or please send the best quality and highest resolution possible.

Regular weekly or monthly activities or one off events will go into our listings pages. Please click here to fill out our listings form.
Please note listings submissions received after the copy deadlines above will go into the next issue.

Past Issues 👇